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HomeHealth Talk14 Lesser-known Aphrodisiac Fruits (high sex drive)

14 Lesser-known Aphrodisiac Fruits (high sex drive)

In this article, I would like to share with you some common fruits you could use as an aphrodisiac instead of a laboratory-produced aphrodisiac. The truth is that the natural way is always the perfect and healthier way.
It’s obvious too that these fruits I’m about to talk about are much more affordable than laboratory-produced aphrodisiacs of which some are even unhealthy. there have been so many stories about people getting strokes after some artificial aphrodisiacs.

An aphrodisiac is a substance thought to “encourage and/or increase libido, also known as the energy and desire to have sex and increase arousal.”

This is mainly physical changes, such as erection, self-lubrication, increased respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure.
Below are some listed fruits that can boost your sexual desire and make you last longer during sex.

1. BANANAaphrodisiac

Per research, banana contains a bromelain enzyme—believed to increase a man’s sex drive—as well as high levels of potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B2 (supes important to keep your energy levels up while you bone).

2. WATERMELONaphrodisiac

Besides conjuring up sexy memories of summer flings gone by, watermelon is also high in citrulline, a phytonutrient, Dr. Hoppe says, that increases the amount of nitric acid in the body, which in turn increases blood flow, blood vessel relaxation, and sexual arousal. watermelon works very best for me to be honest.

3.ALMONDS/WALNUTSaphrodisiac fruits - almond

We’ve all seen in so many arts where almond is used to symbolize fertility, but hey, that’s not just that. they’re a prime source of fatty acids like omega-3, which, again, help with sexual arousal and longevity during sex -similar to male enhancement drugs.

4. AVOCADOSaphrodisiac fruits - avocado

lol … what If I told you avocado’s definition literally means testicles? check out the definition of the word “ahuacatl”. Avocados is high in folic acid, vitamin B9 (which provides the body with more energy), and vitamin B6 (which helps increase testosterone production).


I’m sure you’re wondering how true a garlic is a turn on. garlic, a turn-on? Garlic contains Allicin compound, which can actually increase libido. But be mindful as garlic breath can kill the mood, so be sure to pop a mint after eating garlicky foods or garlic itself before starting the game. Garlic helps in cardiovascular wellness too.

6. EGGPLANTaphrodisiac fruits - eggplant

Aside from it representing a prick in our emoji pack, eggplants are loaded with potassium, vitamin B6, and manganese which are all considered essential to sexual health. Vitamin B6 helps regulate sex hormone levels providing a performance boost.

7. PEACHaphrodisiac

Peach has a good amount of vitamin A and vitamin C, this makes peach a good fruit necessary to give energy to sustain sexual activity. Vitamin C is also known to increase sperm count. Some find a peach’s suggestive shape pretty sensual too.


Cucumbers are packed with vitamin C and manganese which both play a role in supporting sexual health, elevating energy and increasing libido. Vitamin C specifically improves blood flow which can help erectile function. Cucumbers are also known for their undeniably erotic shape.

9. PINEAPPLEaphrodisiac fruits - pineapple

Pineapple contains an enzyme called Bromelain; it helps produce testosterone which can high a man’s sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, which causes increasing sexual stamina.

10. FIGSaphrodisiac fruits

figs have been recognized to be a sexual stimulant, as contain high amino acids, which boost sexual stamina and increase libido. You’re good to go with even a half fig before sex.


aphrodisiac fruits

we are all aware of how efficient apple works during sex after eating it. Apples have also been associated with increased sex drive. In 2014, American scientists suggested that eating an apple a day is correlated with better sexual quality of life in people with vaginas.
This is for the ladies.

12. PINE NUTSaphrodisiac fruits - pine nuts

Pine nuts contain high amounts of zinc which can help increase your libido. they are known to contain a variety of other health oils and phytochemicals that promote overall health and in turn, can potentially increase libido.

13. PUMPKINaphrodisiac fruits - pumkin

Pumpkin is high in fiber and has potassium, “both good for stamina” as well as magnesium, which can help calm nerves and muscles.


14. GINGERaphrodisiac fruits - ginger

Aside it’s magical smell, ginger can improve blood flow and circulation (which are some of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction) and has been used in many cultures as a stimulate for desire.


Here are some common fruits which serve as aphrodisiacs, we hope this article was helpful.






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