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HomeHealth Talk9 Proven Benefits of Semen- Should you eat it?

9 Proven Benefits of Semen- Should you eat it?

Milk. Each year, the Dairy Council spends billions of dollars promoting the advantages of this icy, white beverage. Yet, have you ever considered the advantages of man milk? Yeah, that’s right—man milk, also referred to as a semen.

As absurd as it may sound, the minerals and nutrients in semen have a variety of health benefits, and those seminal benefits can be transferred directly to you. That’s correct; we performed the research and are here to give you the information.

Is Eating Sperm Healthy?

It’s possible that you recently consumed some baby gravy or that you often adore drinking that guy milk. You’re curious to see if this creamy stuff will give you anything more than a mildly sour stomach and an aftertaste of acid. Therefore let’s explore this contentious topic and discover its advantages.

Anal/Vaginal Ingestion

Because both the rectal and vaginal linings are incredibly absorbent, either one is a good option for absorbing the nutrients in your man’s spunk sauce.



Many elements found in semen have been shown in studies to have antidepressant properties. The nerve growth factor is one of them. Its main function in semen is to aid in relaxing the female so that the sperm can accomplish its reproductive goal.

It’s also been demonstrated that people with Major Depressive Disorder lack a crucial hormone in their brains.

Hence, raising nerve growth factor would only increase people’s happiness. In addition, nerve growth factor has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

aphrodisiac fruits - eggplant



Mood-enhancing substances like oxytocin, progesterone, estrone, serotonin, and melatonin are found in semen. Because of how it makes individuals feel when it is released, oxytocin is frequently referred to as the “cuddle hormone.”

It has been demonstrated that progesterone has anti-anxiety properties. Estrone works in tandem with serotonin to improve moods, and melatonin promotes sleep.


Augmentation of Mood

According to a SUNY institute-supported study, female college students who regularly received infant formula were happier and less suicidal than those who did not.

Researchers attributed this to semen’s mood-enhancing properties, but they neglected to take into account any other aspects, such as having a nice home life, doing well in school, or, I don’t know, getting raw D on a regular basis.


Sounds like a very nice position to be in life, and claiming that these women’s happiness was solely based on receiving 20 ccs of white gold injections without taking into consideration any other things strikes me as a little irresponsible.

Semen Consumption

Amazingly, “eating cum” has been the subject of just under 10,000 Google searches in the last month alone. In fact, when you first clicked on this blog post, perhaps this was the route you were considering.

You’re in luck because we have what you’re looking for. The easiest method to reap the rewards of your man’s baby juice is to swallow semen, and who knows, he could even like it. Sure, eating sperm is beneficial.


Sperm is beneficial to your longevity.

Although it may be difficult to believe, semen can actually lengthen your life. When swallowed, spermidine—originally derived from sperm, hence the name—has been shown to significantly extend animal lifetime by up to 25%.

It was discovered to protect both liver cancer and liver disease in the same trial.

Cognitive Ability

The benefits of nerve growth factor are extensive. It is believed to help prevent brain aging in addition to acting as an antidepressant, an anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. Semen contains a lot of nerve growth factor, which is essential for sustaining the brain’s neurons.


Your brain’s functionality is dependent on neurons, which process and send information. You need these neurons to survive if you want a functioning brain! Who would have thought that sharing brain could have such a beneficial impact on your brain?

Benefits of Consuming Sperm

Have you lately discovered that you were deficient in a few essential nutrients after doing a vitamin deficiency test (perhaps on HealthLabs.com)? So grab a spoon and ask your partner to bring you a platter of nut butter, since semen is a veritable treasure trove of citrate, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium.

Your body absorbs the nutrients much way a less expensive vitamin shot would (see ya later, Jamba Juice).




You might be surprised to learn that semen has advantages for both the inside and outside of your body. That’s right, you could start your own skincare line with the amount of zinc, vitamin C, and spermidine in your guy’s jizz (this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA).


Searching for a natural, alternative method of tooth whitening? Check out your man’s pudgy rather than the charcoal. Semen has a lot of zinc, a natural teeth whitener, despite not being the white paste you’re used to slathering on your toothbrush. The primary function of zinc is to promote sperm survival. But that doesn’t mean it can’t also help your pearly whites survive.


In order to strengthen your hair, you basically pay someone hundreds of dollars to add protein to it. Did you know that there is a protein source that you probably haven’t thought of? Semen has more than 200 distinct types of protein, which can provide your hair with the vitality and radiance it so sorely needs.

Spermidine, which is similarly present in sperm, has been demonstrated to facilitate shaft elongation (LOL) and protracted hair growth when applied to human scalps. 
Consider using this DIY hair treatment the next time you want to give your hair some life (get it? ), even though semen may be the one thing you’ve intentionally attempted to keep out of your hair.


Baby, spermidine is back! Spermidine is an antioxidant and good for the skin in addition to lengthening life and promoting healthy hair.
It is thought to improve acne, reduce wrinkles, and smooth skin. In fact, businesses charge upwards of $200 for face lotion made from spermidine! A money shot would be a more affordable and organic option if you don’t want to spend that money.

Injaculation what the benefits of sperm

If you’re a man reading this blog post, let’s imagine your partner doesn’t possess a penis or is unwilling to provide you with a lovely, icy glass of man milk, leaving you with only your own body as a supply of semen. You ought to be able to obtain some important benefits as well!
Do the concept of drinking your own kool-aid or shooting it up your butt disgust and terrify you in ways you’ve never experienced before? Yeah, go ahead and spread it on your face and in your hair. Never fear! You can use your own love juice by loving yourself, which is one method to do it.
The act of ejaculating internally, also known as “in jaculation,” or “retrograde ejaculation,” is known as in jaculation. When you’re about to ejaculate, you discharge the splooge retrograde, or back within your body, as opposed to letting it land on an unappreciative sock and reap its advantages.
Although it may seem uncomfortable or out of the ordinary, it is not. Taoists, some sects of Buddhism, Hinduism, and even ancient Egyptians have all engaged in in jaculating for thousands of years! So go ahead and embrace yourself.


1.Semen can cause allergies. Be aware that there is an allergy called Human Seminal Plasma Protein Hypersensitivity before you go smearing it on your skin or downing it like the thirsty thirst trap you are.
It can cause an allergic reaction that manifests as itching, wheezing, hives, tightness in the chest, and breathing difficulties.
2.Although while semen has an enormous number of advantages, keep in mind that it is only available in little amounts (around 1 tsp).
To view the majority of the outcomes, you would need to utilize a lot of semen. Therefore, you can be let down if you simply use that infant formula for the advantages. Instead, we beg you to savor the nut butter for what it is and consider the advantages a bonus.
3.The most crucial step is the last one, therefore be sure your source of semen is STD-free. Pouring contaminated liquid gold all over your body will cause far more harm than benefit.
Remind your man that while you can contract STDs from oral, anal, and getting sex fluid in your eyes sex, you’d like to profit from his groin gravy but he needs to get tested first.


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