Wednesday, May 10, 2023
HomeScholarshipsCICOPS Scholarship for Developing Countries 2023

CICOPS Scholarship for Developing Countries 2023

CICOPS Scholarship, In order to promote international cooperation, particularly with Developing Countries (as classified by the World Bank in low, lower middle and upper middle-income economies) the University of Pavia and EDiSU (Institute of the Right to University Studies) are offering 5 scholarships to visiting scholars for the year 2024 for a period of stay of 4 to 12 weeks at the University of Pavia.

About Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICOPS)

 CICOPS is committed to human and institutional development in developing countries. This aim is achieved by offering young people the chance to grow and contribute to the development of their countries.

After thirty-five years of experience in the fields of cooperation and development, it is clear to us that joint study and research projects help both developed and developing Countries.

With this in mind, CICOPS is working towards creating an ever-growing network of international contacts, including foreign universities, governments and international non-governmental organizations. University cooperation is fundamental for diffusing knowledge as well as promoting dialogue and peace.


The scholarship includes travel, meals and accommodation expenses, health insurance policy and a contribution of 150 Euro (gross) per week.


  • Applicants must have at least two years of either teaching experience or activity within international organizations and institutions.
  • Scholarships are designed for both junior and senior members of Universities in Developing Countries or members of major research centers and international organizations or institution with specific interest in the field of development studies.
  • CICOPS scholarships are reserved for research collaboration in the short term in order to encourage the mobility of researchers from developing countries. Applicants enrolled in a Doctoral or Postgraduate Course at an Italian University are not eligible to apply.

Documents Required for Application

The following documents should be uploaded to the online form:
  • Curriculum vitae ideally in European format with a list of publications (file to be named: Surname_Name_CV)
  • Invitation letter from the professor or researcher with whom you intend to collaborate (file to be named: Surname_Name_Letter)
The uploaded documents should be named as mentioned above. Applications without a correctly named curriculum vitae and invitation letter will not be taken into consideration. Only fill in your application form once you have received the letter of acceptance by your contact Professor at the University of Pavia. Incomplete applications will be rejected; no exceptions will be made.

How to Apply

Application Deadline

May 31, 2023
visit CICOPS website for more details.


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