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HomeEducationAdmissionsUniversity of Ghana Postgraduate Entry Requirements 2023

University of Ghana Postgraduate Entry Requirements 2023

Here in this write up, NewsBitGh will help you find out the qualifications you must possess to gain admission to read any masters program at University of Ghana.

Below is a list of categories of Masters programs at University of Ghana, Legon

  • Master’s Programs -Full Time
  • M.Phil. Programs – Full Time
  • Postgraduate Programs – Full Time
  • M.Phil. Programs – Part Time
  • Postgraduate Programs – Part Time
  • Master’s Programs – Part Time
The above list implies that University of Ghana admits both part time and full-time masters students.
It is announced for the information of prospective applicants and the general public that the School of Graduate Studies is offering the under-listed Masters/PhD program.

Masters Programs

A good first degree, preferably second class lower or better (or a Final Grade Point Average of at least 2.0), in a relevant field of study at the University of Ghana or any recognized/accredited University.  Applicants with third class may be considered for admission based on work experience and/or other qualifications.

•       A minimum of two years working experience is required from all applicants desiring to pursue programs at the University of Ghana Business School.

For more details in respect of Admission requirements, applicants are advised to contact the various Departments/Schools/Institutes/Centers for additional information on the various programs.

•       For purposes of assessing an applicant’s eligibility, he/she may be required to take an entrance examination and/or interview at the Department/Institute/School/Centre.

•       For programs marked with asterisks (*), all applicants are admitted into the MA/MSc program at the first instance. Students who obtain an average of B+ or better in the first semester examinations MAY upgrade to the MPhil program upon recommendation by the Head of Department in consultation with the Graduate Studies Committee of his/her Department.

PhD Programs

Applicants may apply for a PhD program with a Masters’ degree or a very good first degree.

Applicants applying with Masters’ Degree
•Applicants with relevant Masters’ degree from the University of Ghana or any recognized/accredited University may apply for a PhD program.

Applicants applying with first degree

Applicants with very good first degree from the University of Ghana or any recognized/accredited University may apply for a PhD program.

Such applicants, when admitted, shall be required to take first year courses of the Masters’ (Level 600) program of their departments. They shall be required to pass all examinations in the courses. On successful completion of the Level 600 courses and depending on their performance, they would then progress to the four-year Ph.D. program.

All PhD programs in the University are now fee-paying and the durations are as follows:
•      Full-Time – Four (4) years

•      Part-Time – Six  (6) years

•                       MBA Management Information Systems

Prospective applicants must have at least two (2) years working experience in an IT environment to qualify for admission.

•                       MPhil Home Science (Food Utilization and Community Nutrition)

Applicants must have a strong science background to qualify for admission.

•                       MPhil/MA English
Applicants seeking admission to these programs must have:
a. Majored in either a combined or single major program

b. taken at least 30 credits in the subject

  •                    MA/LLM Program

Applicants would be required to take an entrance examination

  •                     MSc. Audiology
Applicants must have a good first degree (minimum FGPA of 3.0) in Physics, Psychology, Biological Sciences, and Special Education with major in Communication Disorder or Nursing
•                    MPhil Social work

Applicants are to submit one-page essay (single spaced) stating their short and long-term career goals. They are to also discuss how a graduate program in Social Work will help them achieve these goals. This should be uploaded with other required documents online.

•                     MPhil Anatomy
 Applicants should first discuss their research ideas with the Department before completing

application forms.

•                      MPhil Chemical Pathology

Applicants will be required to show proof of funding for their project work.

•                       MSc Medical Laboratory Sciences

Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences with a FGPA of not less than 3.25 or possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences with a minimum of second class (upper) from a recognized university.

•                       MPhil Information Studies-Top Up

This is for candidates who completed their MA within the last five years and in addition obtained a B+ average.

•                        MPhil Agricultural Engineering

Applicants must submit a thesis proposal with applications.

  •                    MEng/MPhil/PhD- Biomedical Engineering
•       Bioinformatics, Genomics and Targeted Drug Discovery
•       Implants Science &Regenerative Engineering

•       Bioinstrumentation &Clinical Engineering

           MEng/MPhil/PhD- Materials Science & Engineering
                 1. Materials for Energy
                 2. Materials for Health care Delivery

3. Structural Materials

          MEng/MPhil/PhD- Agriculture Engineering
              1. Soil &Water Engineering
              2. Postharvest Engineering

3. Machine Systems Engineering (Agricultural Mechanization)

All PhD and MPhil applicants must submit a thesis proposal with their applications.  Shortlisted PhD/ MPhil/Meng applicants will be interviewed.

MPhil in Education /Educational Leadership and Management

*Applicants to the MPhil Education program must have an MA degree in Education.

 *Applicants to the MPhil Educational Leadership and Management program must possess an MA degree in any of the following:

Educational Leadership and Management, Educational Administration and Management, Educational Leadership, Educational Management, Educational Administration.

Note: that the admission requirements for Part Time courses at the University of Ghana is as the same as that of Full-time courses at the University.


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