78-year-old woman – NewsBitGh https://newsbitgh.com Your News On The Hour Wed, 12 Apr 2023 05:08:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 https://i0.wp.com/newsbitgh.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/cropped-NewBitGh-512x512-1.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 78-year-old woman – NewsBitGh https://newsbitgh.com 32 32 208867952 78-year-old Woman arrested on bank robbery charges https://newsbitgh.com/78-year-old-woman-arrested-on-bank-robbery-charges/ https://newsbitgh.com/78-year-old-woman-arrested-on-bank-robbery-charges/#respond Wed, 12 Apr 2023 05:08:57 +0000 https://newsbitgh.com/?p=7669

According to Missouri authorities, a 78-year-old lady who has previously been convicted of two bank robberies was detained for a third crime.

Bonnie Gooch allegedly entered Goppert Federal Bank and handed the teller a note demanding hundreds of dollars in cash.

Before driving off with the money, she left a message that read, “Thank you sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.”

The bond for Ms. Gooch’s current detention is $25,000 (£20,129).

According to court documents acquired by the Kansas City Star, the woman entered the bank last Wednesday while wearing a black N95 mask, black sunglasses, and plastic gloves and handed the teller a letter that read, “I need 13,000 little notes.”

Prosecutors claim that Ms. Gooch can be seen on surveillance footage banging on the cash register and ordering that it be delivered more quickly before driving away in a Buick Enclave with a handicap licence plate.

At about 15:20 local time (21:20 BST), Pleasant Hill Missouri Police Department officers responded to reports of a “robbery in process,” and they discovered Ms. Gooch in her car, allegedly heavily intoxicated with cash all over the floor.

One count of stealing from or attempting to steal from a financial institution was brought against Ms. Gooch at the time of her arrest.

“When officers first approached her, they were kind of confused … It’s a little old lady who steps out,” Pleasant Hill Police Chief Tommy Wright told the Kansas City Star. “We weren’t sure initially that we had the right person.”

Yet, Ms. Gooch has had prior encounters with the law.

She has two further convictions as well. One was for a bank robbery in 2020, and the other was for a heist in California in 1977, where it was claimed that she gave the cashier a birthday card that said “this is a robbery.”

In November 2021, her sentence for the robbery from 2020 was completed.

Mr. Wright stated that Ms. Gooch had no “diagnosed” illnesses, but because of her advanced age, the department was investigating whether any underlying medical conditions might have had a role in the incident.

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