PMNCH presents the captivating “Art for Well-being Competition,” inviting young individuals aged 10-24 to participate and express themselves through three distinct categories: film, video, and design. The competition serves as a platform for youth to answer the thought-provoking question, “What does well-being mean to you?”
By organizing this competition and spearheading the “What Young People Want” Initiative, PMNCH is actively amplifying the voices of young individuals worldwide, allowing them to share their desires for their well-being. These efforts align with the Global Forum for Adolescents and the 1.8 Campaign, as PMNCH actively supports these initiatives by providing opportunities for youth to articulate their aspirations and shape the future of well-being on a global scale.
About Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH)
- First prize: USD$1000
Second prize: USD$500
Third prize: USD$250
Open to young people worldwide
Applicants should be aged 10-24 years
Entries should be in one of the following categories;
How to Apply
Application Deadline
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